Thursday, August 4, 2011

Review: Daddy Dates by Greg Wright

I am reviewing this book for Thomas Nelson's Booksneeze program.

I have been blessed in my young married life with two beautiful daughters, currently 2 and 1. It has been as both a blessing and a source of concern and confusion for me as I try to be a father to truly extraordinary women who love God, love their families, and make an impact on the world. How does one do this? What does it take to raise a daughter who is both feminine and self-confident. This book is not the ultimate handbook in how to raise a strong woman, but it is a treatise in the powerful influence a loving, strong father can have on a young woman that will carry over into her adult years.

Being that my daughters are 2 and 1, we don't do a lot of dating. Since reading this book, however, I have been more intentional about the type of time that I spend with each of them. They're currently in the Do Something stage. We don't have deep conversations that edify and challenge their worldview, but I listen to their stories, read books with them, sing songs, cuddle, do yoga, go on the swings, eat icies, and play ball with them for the hours that I have between work and bedtime.

This book has been a very important part of my development as a dad of daughters. It's a badge I now wear with pride and honor. This is one book that I won't be giving away: you'll have to buy your own. I want this on my shelf throughout my daughters' lives; and I hope to be applying its principles year after year, stage after stage. Also, I'm an otter.

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